“Daar waar Henry Ford en Frederick Taylor er in de jaren 1900 naar streefden mensen zo repetitief en gestandaardiseerd mogelijk te laten werken, vindt vandaag een omgekeerde beweging plaats.” De mens dient geholpen te worden via ondersteunende geautomatiseerde oplossingen. Alles om de lol in het werk te houden goed voor de medewerkers en de productiviteit.
Een mooie column in Forbes magazine laat zien wat er gebeurt in de Verenigde Staten. Enkele redenen voor automatisering van werk.
The Great Resignation Will Only Accelerate Automation. Employers Will Retaliate With Machines.
Steve Andriole – Forbes November 16th 2021
Resignations are triggering an increase in automation spending, especially in labor-intensive industries. This will be the impact of Americans’ rethinking their relationship to work, life/work balance and the over ROI of their jobs. Be careful what you ask for.
“The Great Resignation” is everywhere. It seems that Americans are resigning from their jobs at unprecedented rates. In August of this year (2021), more than 4,000,000 Americans quit their jobs – the greatest monthly total ever recorded. Others are staying on only if they can work remotely or if working conditions improve dramatically. What’s going on? There are all kinds of theories about why Americans are turning their backs on work, especially certain kinds of work. Let’s not explore the theories here. Let’s just acknowledge that there’s a trend toward assessing the life/work balance in the most profound ways possible as well as perhaps spending the savings banked during the pandemic.
But who really cares? Well, employers care, because without employees – especially in service industries – they have no customers. Some employers are responding to the walkouts with higher wages and better working conditions, a perfectly rational response to resignations. But this tactic isn’t working fast enough, even as wages have increased over and over again (note that the official minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour since 2009). So, now what? Enter the machines.
Revenge of the Machines
Those who explore the 4th Industrial Revolution and The Future of Work know all about automation. It’s the cornerstone of the predicted future. Timelines about the arrival of automated solutions across industries are impossible to make.
Do we need tax preparers? Car salesmen? Loan officers? Automation has only begun, and as more and more employees call it quits automated workers may take their place faster than we think. The incentives are clear. Why wouldn’t Uber want to eliminate their biggest headache – drivers – with autonomous vehicles? Why wouldn’t all companies want to deploy “workers” that work 24/7, never need vacations, never join unions and never get sick (from viruses, at least)? Checkout clerks? Postal workers? Gas station attendants (almost gone now)? And many more.
The Great Resignation is an automation stimulus. Honeywell reports some survey results:
“The productivity gains that we see from … robotics have increased,” said John Dillon … ‘the technology has gotten better … (and) the cost of not automating has gotten higher’ …
“That’s because a warehouse that might typically require 2,000 workers could deploy technologies and warehouse execution software to instead operate with only 200 people …
“Robotic technologies directly replace labor, whether it be unloading trucks, picking orders, fulfilling orders”
Now What?
Brace yourself. The Great Resignation has unleashed unanticipated new forces and created unexpected collateral damage. Yes, wages will increase. Working conditions will improve. Flexibility will grow. All good, from labor’s point of view. But not from the perspective of business owners, shareholders and investors who want to see profitable growth all day long. They will respond with a vengeance. Remember that automation happens when the die-is-cast meets the law-of-unintended-consequences. We’re here.
More about Steve Andriole via Forbes
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